Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When to discipline your toddler

At my daughter's 18-month well check, I asked our doctor when to start correcting deviant behavior. 

Dr. Wren said that at this age, most toddlers won't understand being punished. The connection between being told no and a smack on the bottom doesn't establish until around 2 years of age. He did say that girls and boys mature differently, and to watch for signs that your toddler understands what is going on.

So what should we parents do? Dr. Wren suggested re-directing your child's attention, and that often, being re-directed would be enough to stop the bad behavior. However, if that doesn't work, put the child into time out in a location where she can be easily supervised while she works through her mood. 

If the child is crying for longer than 10 minutes, pick her up, console her, and try re-directing attention again. 

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