Saturday, February 28, 2009

Best Friend Pictures

These were taken in the afternoon on the first full day that we had our kitty, who still remains nameless... until Monday.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Encouragement of the Day- 2/27/09

Carpe diem! (seize the day)

I don't think many of us realize how special we are, or how important we are in someone's life. Take for example, the typical American mother with grown kids. She's cleaned up our life spills, washed thousands of loads of laundry, and mopped the kitchen floor an uncountable number of times. 

But now that her kids are growing up, getting jobs, or going to college, I've seen time and again that she hesitates to truly commit to doing something for herself. 

Why? Maybe because she has spent so much time giving to others that it now feels foreign to "take" time for herself. Or maybe she just doesn't believe in herself.

I am a young mom, with the world before me. I get my degree in June, I've accepted a part-time job once I graduate, and I plan to have a small garden in my backyard. 

But I don't want to become like every other American mom, not that she is a bad person. I want to spend each day living life to the fullest, appreciating my family and spending time with them, and also taking time for myself. 

Do you want to join me on this life-long quest? 

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Precious nap time

After a busy morning of work or classes, I come home for lunch to the sweet sound "Mommy" coming from my precious baby. Jogging over to me in her bouncy way, she grunts, "Up!" After which, she sticks her right hand's middle two fingers in her mouth, and left hand down the top of my blouse. 

After the sense of comfort is achieved, Dixie settles in for a good cuddle, during which, she often falls asleep. 

Normally I spend a good five to ten minutes cuddling and holding and kissing her head and face before laying her down in bed.

Looking down at her, I praise God for her, and think how precious she is to me. Unless she wakes up... At which point I sometimes become grumpy at having to repeat the process, because let's face it, putting her down for a nap or going to sleep isn't always as easy as simply cuddling her to sleep, and after she has woken up realizing my intent to lay her down, it is not as easy the second time. 

But when she does fall asleep, and I lay her down successfully, I steal away for much-needed quiet time, with no distractions. 

I've reached a conclusion that I really can't complain! 

Today's Encouragement

If today is hard, and yesterday was long, just remember that this is only a period. This time will pass, and it will become better.
Hang in there!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When to discipline your toddler

At my daughter's 18-month well check, I asked our doctor when to start correcting deviant behavior. 

Dr. Wren said that at this age, most toddlers won't understand being punished. The connection between being told no and a smack on the bottom doesn't establish until around 2 years of age. He did say that girls and boys mature differently, and to watch for signs that your toddler understands what is going on.

So what should we parents do? Dr. Wren suggested re-directing your child's attention, and that often, being re-directed would be enough to stop the bad behavior. However, if that doesn't work, put the child into time out in a location where she can be easily supervised while she works through her mood. 

If the child is crying for longer than 10 minutes, pick her up, console her, and try re-directing attention again. 

Those Happy Times

6 a.m. my cell phone starts vibrating, telling me it's time to get up. "Just a few more minutes!!" I thought to myself, and setting my alarm for an additional 30 minutes.

Eventually, I did get rolling. At 7:45 my husband went to work, and I began thinking about the homework I should work on since the baby was still asleep. I picked up an orange to take to my desk. Then I heard it, the soft cry of my daughter waking up. "I called it!" I thought to myself as I noisily walked down the stairs.

Bath, clothes, and hair combed, I looked at my 18-month-old daughter as she stuffed her hands into her jean pockets and rocked back and forth in her pink boots. She was so cute! 

So I grabbed my camera, I just couldn't resist! 

Life is often hard, and being a mom isn't always fun. You don't get paid, you clean up yucky messes, and you are rarely thanked for all the work you do. But when those little arms reach around your neck and hug you for all she's worth, then you know: this is what its all about.